New! You can now save money on the Mostly Nonsense Kickstarter by ordering multiple copies.

2-Pack ($25) (one to keep, one to share). Save $5 ($12.50 per book instead of $15).

5-Pack ($60) – Save $3/book.

10-Pack ($90) – Save $6/book. (Retailers can use this option or contact me to negotiate larger orders).

Need a Christmas gift for someone who’s hard to shop for? Why not give them some cartoons! I’m hoping to have books shipped to my USA customers in time for Christmas. I can’t guarantee it (there is always the possibility of a delay in printing) but I’m sure going to try!

It’s easy to increase your pledge. Simply go to the ‘Mostly Nonsense’ Kickstarter page and click the “Manage your pledge” button that appears next to your pledge amount.

Thanks again to all of you for your support!