I paused this webcomic back in 2020 when covid scrambled everyone’s eggs. Although moderately successful, the comics had not been earning me much income. Also, as our culture got more tumultuous I became interested in doing serious Christian comics, to try and speak into the madness. If I threw a Christian comic into the mix, those comics would often be among my most popular. But you can’t get away with that for too long with a comic that has “Silliness” in the title.
So I hit “pause” on Sketchbook Silliness to focus on my freelance work, sort out what I wanted to do with my comics, and just try to keep my business alive.
In 2023 I launched a new webcomic called Narrow Road Comics. It’s a serious Christian comic, a mixture of biblical themes and commentary on our modern culture. I post infrequently, focusing on quality over quantity. But I’ve seen some moderate success. A few of the comics have also gone viral with one recently gaining millions of views.
Still, I do miss drawing silly jokes and gags. As people tire of the culture wars, I think there is an appetite for plain old humor without any politics or agenda. Laughter really is good medicine.
So, I’ve decided to revive Sketchbook Silliness, sort of. I don’t have a lot of free time to spend on comics but every once in a while I plan to doodle up a silly gag just for fun. Sketchbook Silliness is still alive. Think of it as a relative who lives far away but will pop in for a brief visit once in a while.
I invite you to follow me on X (Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram.
You may have noticed I haven’t been producing much webcomic art during the pandemic. The shutdowns dealt a serious blow to my “day job” running an illustration studio and I’ve had to play catch-up. Thankfully I’m still making a living drawing but during covid I’ve had little free time for webcomics (which have been mostly just for fun since they were actually losing me money).
The time off has given me the chance to really think about the future of my webcomics. Even before Covid hit my webcomics were gradually becoming less about silly jokes and more about thoughtful Christian messages. My faith is a big part of who I am those are the comics I most enjoyed. Some of them were also among my most popular. If and when I resume making webcomics, I think I may want to steer more in that direction.
For now I’ve decided to officially pause Sketchbook Silliness while I sort out what future, if any, I have making webcomics. I need to figure out a way to make webcomics that are either profitable, or more spiritually meaningful, or (ideally) both. In the mean time feel free to browse the archive and share any comics you’d like with your friends.
I’ll also be shutting down my Patreon very soon. I want to say a gigantic THANK YOU to all of my Patrons and to everyone who supported my work over the years. If you enjoyed what I did and never chipped in, that’s OK. I’m just glad you enjoyed them. But if you want to you can always give me a tip or buy something from my store here.

I’ve added a new item to my website store: Three humorous “Getting In Shape” stickers. Get all three as a bundle and save! Each sticker is 3″ (7.6cm) on it’s longest side. Add to your sticker collection and spread some laughter!

Cartoonist Paul Cox is the creator of RefToons. He takes inspiring quotes from famous Christians in church history and illustrates them in charming ways. Tonight I’ll be a guest on a livedraw with Paul at 8pm CST. Just search Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram for “@reftoons”. Tune in and hit us up with questions!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reftoons/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsSWfjjdnQ679XycvHpIvPA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reftoons/