My book Mostly Nonsense is about to enter it’s final week on Kickstarter. To help reach our goal, if you contribute to the project (at any amount) you will not only get the normal rewards (book, print, etc.) but you’ll also get these goodies:

  • A collection of cartoon memes to help you tell your friends “Happy Birthday”, “Congrats!”, etc. in a funny way. Think of them as digital greeting cards.
  • “Sketchercise!”, a PDF collection of over 120 of my normal “unfunny” warmup sketches.
  • “Pose Drawing Sparkbook (Expanded Edition)” PDF – Containing hundreds of drawing prompts plus six chapters on various topics designed to help you put more life and personality into your drawings. A $15 value!

If you enjoy my work please support the project and help spread the word. Thanks a bunch!