We did it! Mostly Nonsense is going to be published! Now I’m busy polishing up the final file to send it off to the printer. No guarantees but if all goes smoothly I’m hoping to have all the books out to everyone before Christmas.

Every Kickstarter backer will get several bonus rewards in addition to the book, including:

CARTOON MEMES – A pack of memes you can use to send well wishes to friends on social media (Happy Birthday, New Baby, etc.)

SKETCHERCISE PDF – 120 of my warmup sketches. These predate Sketchbook Silliness so there are no jokes, but what they lack in humor they make up for in elbow grease.

POSE DRAWING SPARKBOOK PDF – Designed to help you put more life and personality into your drawings. Contains hundreds of drawing prompts and six mini-chapters with thoughts and tips for making your drawings more expressive. A $15 value.

TWO MONTHS OF BONUS CARTOONS – Once every week or two I draw an exclusive bonus cartoon only for my $3 and up Patreon backers. For two months, my Kickstarter backers will get those cartoons too!

The Kickstarter ends at 4:20pm CST tomorrow (Thursday, Dec. 7) and then these bonus goodies disappear. If you have friends or followers who might be interested in them please share about Mostly Nonsense before it’s too late. Here’s the link: http://kck.st/2AiVpj0

Thanks again to all of you for your encouragement and support!