
Thanks for reading my comics!
I draw these cartoons in between regular client gigs. As you can guess, sharing comics on the internet for free is not a great way to make extra income. If you like my work and want to support what I’m doing, here are some options. Every little bit helps keep me going.
Store – Buy something I made (books, shirts, downloads, etc.)
License a Cartoon – Need a cartoon to spice up your website, email newsletter, presentation, etc.? All of my cartoon are available for license at standard industry rates.
Buy Me A Coffee – Toss a buck or two my way, using credit card or PayPal .
Commission Artwork – I’ve got over twenty years of experience as an illustrator and concept artist. I’ve illustrated packaging for General Mills cereals, GoGurt, and Crayola. I’ve designed toys for Disney and Hasbro. I’ve illustrated stories for Scholastic and Highlights Magazine, and I’ve designed characters and props for VeggieTales. If you need illustration or custom cartooning visit my browse my portfolio and drop me a line.
Cash Donation – You can make a quick-and-easy donation of any amount via PayPal. Guaranteed to give you warm fuzzies.
Thanks so much for supporting my work. It really means a lot!