Halloween is tomorrow so there’s still time for a silly doodle about witches, exclusively for my Patreon backers.
As you may know I’m a bumbling, stumbling Christian. Every once in a while I mix in a faith-based cartoon among all the goofy gags. I did the webcomic last year and now I plan to share it every Halloween. I posted it on Facebook this past weekend and it is racking up dozens of shares. If you are planning to carve Jack-O-Lanterns with your kids, you can use it as an opportunity to teach them the Gospel.
Patreon backers, enjoy a new exclusive backer-only cartoon about bumper stickers.
I’m slowly finishing my latest exclusive backer-only cartoon, but I’ve been extra busy trying to meet deadlines and get ready for this weekend.
What’s going on this weekend, you ask? I’ll be in Kansas City, MO for the Fall Cartooning Weekend, sponsored by the North Central Chapter of the National Cartoonists Society (of which I am a long-time member). The main event is an afternoon of speakers on Saturday (Oct. 13) including:
• Richard Graham, (Univ. of Nebraska Professor and author of a new book on Rose O’Neill, Illustrator and inventor of the Kewpie Doll); and
There will also be a raffle of cartooning books, art, and goodies. The best part is the lectures are FREE and open to the public. If any of you will be in the area, stop on by! More info on the NCS North Central Chapter blog.