I had dozens of responses across all my social media. It was fun to read them all and I was impressed with the variety. Several people submitted some variation of the following ideas:

“I’m a vegetarian.”
“I can’t stand eating with my in-laws/family/wife’s cooking.”
“What a bunch of vultures!”
“You better leave before they eat you next.”
Puns on the word “carrion”.

It was a really hard choice but the prize goes to illustrator Bradley Cooper for his line, “Today’s my cheat day”. Congrats Brad! I’ll send you your free PDF of Sketchbook Silliness comics later today, and will also give you a shoutout on all my social media.

Here are two runners up that I also liked:

“They’re eating some cyottee that shot himself out of a canon.” (instagram user @jbombartist)

“I hate leftovers!” (instagram user @ashtonstoecker)

Huge thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you had as much fun as I did!